
Watch Polo

On Any Given Sunday


and Fridays and many Saturdays too there is 6- to 10-goal grass polo to see on several private fields in Virginia. Most weekends there are special/charitable events that we have tickets to. If you want to come out with friends to watch or even try a horse or two on the sidelines, call and let us know.

Perfect Field, Perfect Day: Often the sport of choice for the weekend is polo. Pick up a tailgate lunch in Middleburg and enjoy it fieldside.

Perfect Field, Perfect Day: Often the sport of choice for the weekend is polo. Pick up a tailgate lunch in Middleburg and enjoy it fieldside.

Defending the Ball: Players compete for the ball during an evening grass game.

Defending the Ball: Players compete for the ball during an evening grass game.

Blocking a Shot: Flat out - a defenderreaches for a piece of a neck shot.

Blocking a Shot: Flat out - a defender

reaches for a piece of a neck shot.